Sunday, 16 January 2011

New year/Astronomy/Cats

Hello, happy new year its J. Hope whoever reads this had a good christmas. Over the past few weeks I have been out stargazing here is a Picture. This is a pic I took last Saturday when I went to an Astonomy thing in a field. I saw Jupiter really close up you could see the colours and everything you could even see the red sot. It was a really powerfull telescope. I also looked through a telescope and saw the moon so close it was like a picture on the internet it was great. There were lots of telescopes there. Changing the subject, I also got lots of lovely presents for christmas but putting christmas behind us. HAPPY NEW YEAR.......(If its not to late).

This is one of my cats he is such a poser!!!!!
He is relaxing in the sun.

My other cat who HATES having her picture taken.

These are my threee of my cockrels xx

This is the night sky except it was pitch black but I put my camera on night vision. And the sort of light at the top is the moon.

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